Phabulous Phuket. Relax and celebrate!

Did someone say world class beaches?

Upon arrival, we were greeted with this lovely view of our first Phuket sunset. Unbelievably, the sunsets only got better!!

There are so many places to enjoy a great cocktail while watching the sunset in Phuket. The only problem is choosing which one.

Our hotel had a wedding chapel and this amazing swing that you can enjoy at any age. Or, at least that is what Stacy thought.

We spent a day touring some of Phuket’s scenic islands including Phi Phi island and were treated to stunning views and amazing sea life.

While Terry kept busy snorkeling, Stacy found new ways to use her healed shoulder and celebrate her recovery nearly a year later.

Old Town Phuket was a delightful place with amazing architecture and a stunning temple.

We thoroughly enjoyed our chef’s food tour in Phuket which began at the market where we got to see and later sample (we declined) the century egg (pink). It is a duck egg buried under ground for 17 days and then eaten. YUCK!!

We sampled over 17 foods during our 4 hour tour. Terry was a good sport about trying all kinds of new Thai foods. YUM!!

One of absolute favorites was a light as air coconut milk crepe. Think crunchy and creamy together. They have earned the coveted Michelin awards for the last 3 years.

People took such pride in their food delicacies which are family run businesses passed down from one generation to another. Our first soup was delectable.

We sampled Roti, spring rolls and many other foods that reflect the ethnic diversity of Thailand.

We sampled all kinds of beverages including this fascinating drink which is a combination of coffee and tea.

Stacy enjoyed the private infinity pool at our hotel room. In order to offset all of the eating and drinking, she set a new world record for laps swum during her 7 night stay. Well, of course they were swum in an infinity pool, so don’t be a hater.

Our last night’s sunset. Acknowledgment to the photographer, Stacy McAfee.

Our last night’s sunset version 2. Or according to the photographer, Terry McAfee, the better shot.

In case, you believed that Stacy’s had the better sunset photo, Terry has submitted a second entry showing his unique ability to capture the green flash at sunset. Remarkable!!




Elephant Hills